
When the PoolRX unit is placed in water, the minerals which are packed inside the metallic rod, dissolve within 4 to 6 hours and dispense around the pool. This forms a stable mineral balance in the pool water. The PoolRX minerals are rejuvenated when they pass back through the unit during circulation. This process allows the minerals to regain their ionic charge, to continuously clarify your pool water.

These minerals are not dissipated by sunlight or heat, so they last longer. The minerals are however lost through backwash and splash-out and can be simply be replaced every 6 months if the pool is being used all year round by using a PoolRX Booster. If you are in a seasonal climate and the pool is winterized or closed part of the year we recommend to replace the PoolRX unit itself at the beginning of each swimming season or every 2 years for a pool that is used all year round or not closed in winter.

Recipe for a sparkling clear pool

The Patented PoolRX is a mineral based system that provides an Natural and safe way to Clarify swimming pools. The unit installs in seconds, in the pump basket or skimmer and releases natural minerals that continuously clarifies pool water 'the natural way'. This guaranteed formula works synergistically together with a low chlorine residual (0.5 to 1.0 ppm). The levels of the minerals are totally harmless for swimming in. Additional PoolRX Booster units may be required depending on your pool size. See table on the side of this box.

PoolRX Guarantees:

  • Reduced chemicals
  • Less maintenance  
  • Sparkling clear water
Products (Total Items: 8)
PoolRx+ Blue/White Booster (with silver)
PoolRx+ Black/White Booster (with silver)
PoolRx+ Blue/White (with silver) - 4 Pack
PoolRx+ Black/White (with silver) - 4 Pack